It’s been a while since I update mine and visit yours. I’m sorry. My internet connection was down for a long time and I am very busy. Here are some activities which makes me a a road runner!
OVER TO CHAMPHAI, RIH DIL- I visit Champhai as a part of our Departmental study tour, destination Rih Dil (
The ride to Champhai was quite tiresome inside that ugly, big and uncomfortable MST bus. We boarded at
On the border to
COLLEGE GOLDEN JUBILEE: At our college we celebrate Golden Jubilee throughout the year, organizing several functions. On the 10th & 11thday of this December we organized a grand finale and a closing function. I was a part of many sub committees in the organizing body, Decoration, refreshment, programme, etc, and was busy the whole week. Organising refreshment for 1500 people was a tiresome task. The functions went smoothly, but I was too busy to enjoy the fun of the celebration. And during these times I have organize exams for my students at IGNOU, write my PhD thesis.